Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Think, Feel

Another boring day at school -_-. Aleast I am almost done with the lyric for my friend's band called Moonbird Atlantic. There site is on a myspace >> Moonbird Atlantic . My friend Evan is the manager of the band. Its pretty cool to know someone that could be a part of something great. The song I wrote is called "Metro Light" and it still need some work on. Here is the preview of it. > means gets louder/build up and < means slow down.

Moonbird Atlantic - Metro Lights

This morning it feels ever so old
I wash my face to hold on
Why do these days feel hollow
My feet touches the yellow tape
The tape of Mass Transit
In hope for a revival
But this arrival of your face
Takes Me Away


Walking upon this express train
I want to say toward you
"Why do we face each other without words?"
My guitar plays a rhythmic solo
Then the drums rumble along my soul
Don't forget about that bass
With your Lungs
< Let me hear you say

Train Door Sound
< Instrumental

*Chorus* 2x
Why must we face each other
With our lips seal shut
My mouth volley around of the things to say
I just want to say
That your are the light of my day

> Instrumental

*Slow Singing*
In this train I feel ever so strange
With these strangers' eyes strangling me
But my care is gone because you are here
The subway lights run around you
Your shine touches my eyes
The touch of Metro Lights

Instrumental > *fades*

Announcer ( I would hope I would say this part in song)
Next Stop is Moonbird Atlantic

Comment plz XD

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